21CBI stimulates strategic leadership

We accompany you to receive financing,
grow your business, and make it last.

We support you in achieving the results you want. You will develop the leadership that leads to mastery of strategy, tactics, budgets, competition and quality which can ultimately lead to ISO certification. This process can also lead to you gaining a USA-based executive MBA diploma.


Business or government

International certification


Get the results you want. Make it simple. Make it last.

Have you ever considered the fact that it takes a whole tree to grow a single apple? You can’t get an apple from a twig, or from a branch, a trunk or a root. In fact, it takes more than a tree to get an apple. You also need soil, air, light, water, minerals, bees – a host of large and small inputs. If you’re interested in producing apples over a long period of time, someone also has to tend to harvesting and pruning. If all those conditions are in place, apple trees can continue to bear fruit for a very long time.
Producing apples is an example of a natural system. There are also mechanical systems, such as those that generate and distribute energy. The key to taming business complexity and getting the results you want is to understand your business as a system, and then make the system as simple as possible. But systems can be tricky beasts to understand.




Systems take resources that exist in the environment (input) and transform them (throughput) into desired results (output). An apple tree uses inputs such as light, water, carbon dioxide, pollen, minerals, etc., and transforms them into apples. It also creates leaves, wood, oxygen and other wonders in the process. A winning business takes inputs such as skilled people, raw materials, technology and deep understanding of the needs of customers and transforms them into products and services that delight customers and engender loyalty and even passion. It also creates other wonders such as return on investment, job security and community support.

People who are responsible for total results of organizations face system-based complexity. Often, these people functioned successfully in part of the organization and became leaders with wider scopes of responsibility. Others mastered a challenging set of professional skills and decided to create their own business. Linear thinking was often highly effective when they were responsible for a “subsystem” of the organization. But now that they are accountable for total results, the linear ways of working which made them successful threaten to become the seeds of failure in their new roles.

Pathway to Development

Most people find systems thinking to be extremely difficult for several reasons.