Needs – of individuals, organizations, communities, the environment, you name it – are the Inputs. Purpose, Strategy, People and Processes are the elements of Throughput that interact (through the characteristic of systems called Feedback) and create the output known as Results: the satisfaction of customers’ and other stakeholders’ needs.
If this model appears painfully simplistic, be aware that there is a wealth of resources embedded in each component. Pathway tools (which will be discussed in another document) give you a place to start and milestones with which to measure progress. The model gives you a simple way to think about your organization as a system. It integrates timeless principles of effectiveness which are common to all organizations with specific practices which are unique to your business or profession. It places as much weight on honesty, trust and vision (Purpose and People) as it does on execution excellence (Strategy and Processes). It focuses on applying the disciplines of world market leaders to small and medium-sized professional practices and knowledgeintensive businesses. It is designed to be accessible and useful for you since you never have the luxury of seeing inadequate results and saying, “Someone else has a problem.” Pathway is for people where the buck stops. Consider each component.